A Late Morning Glory

flower planting

A late morning glory The Japanese species are my favorites with their huge flowers and unusual shapes. I mostly prefer the Ipomoea tricolor ‘Heavenly Blue’ because of the heavenly blue color of their blooms. This species has double-sized flowers, compared to the common species Ipomoea purpurea. The first time I grew the ‘Heavenly Blue’ morning glories, I started […]

Soft Buffalo Grass

grass lawn

Soft buffalo grass While buffalo grass is relatively low-maintenance, here are simple buffalo lawn care tips you follow to ensure it stays luscious and green all-year-round. “One of the things that make it such a great family lawn is that is self-repairs rapidly, meaning less patches and dead-spots,” says Adam. “Many varieties also have excellent resistance to […]

English Garden

house with green lawn

English garden There seems to be two schools of thought as to what exactly constitutes an English Garden. For some it is the pruned symmetry and aristocratic formality of Victoriana. Others tend towards the more eclectic rambling colour fields of a ‘cottage’ style garden. Defining the true character of an English garden may be as […]

Victorian Gazebo

blue sky and cherry blossom

Victorian Gazebo As a common decorative element in Victorian design, a water fountain, either freestanding or wall-style, is a classic accent to include in your gazebo design. A water fountain creates a naturally relaxing and tranquil atmosphere with its delicate trickle and design that can range from florid and ornate to simple and minimalist. Install […]

Soft Lawn

making the lawn

Soft Lawn Success with your lawn depends on many things. Not the least among them is growing the proper type of grass for your area. In general, northern areas grow cool season grasses and southern areas grow warm season varieties. The transition area is capable of growing both types with the proper care. Creeping grasses like […]